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Welcome to the Ward(s) - Thursday, February 17


Residents of Wards 2, 6, 7, and 8 are invited to join your Ward Democratic leaders for a virtual special joint general body meeting designed to introduce people to their new Wards, begin the process of building relationships and getting to know each other, learn about what's going on in the Wards and opportunities to get involved, and share your thoughts about where we should go as a community in the coming months and years.

Date: Thursday, February 17

Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual, Zoom link provided upon registration

So far Councilmembers Brooke Pinto (Ward 2), Charles Allen (Ward 6), and Trayon White (Ward 8) have confirmed, and we are hopeful that Councilmember Vince Gray (Ward 7) will also be able to join us.

We'll have some fun, interactive get-to-know-you activities, followed by breakout rooms for each Ward where you can "Ask Me Anything" with your councilmembers and Ward Democratic leaders, and we'll share information about how you can get involved in your Ward's activities.

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