What are oversight hearings? Why do they matter? How do they influence the work of the DC Council? How do they benefit us?
Our Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen breaks it down in this Instagram video (you do NOT have to log in to view it).
Are you interested in testifying? Check out the recording of the educational session we recently hosted with CM Allen on how to give effective, persuasive testimony on our YouTube channel. Want something a little more hands-on? Greater Greater Washington is doing a Zoom workshop to train attendees in how to participate in the DC Council’s FY25 performance oversight hearings the evening of Tuesday, February 11. Details and RSVP at https://ggwash.org/calendar/event/98208/ggwashs-2025-dc-performance-oversight-training. |
It's Oversight Hearing Season!
Updated: Feb 6