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DC FY25 Budget - Ward 6 Update

If you've been following the news, you know that this is a tough budget year for DC for a variety of reasons (ending of federal pandemic funds, decline in commercial real estate taxes and associated revenue, longer-term pressures related to education and public transportation).


Nonetheless, our Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen has successfully preserved critical investments in our Ward, including:


  • School modernizations at Brent, Amidon-Bowen, JO Wilson, and Chisholm (and substantial renovations at Ludlow-Taylor)

  • Staffing at Stuart-Hobson, Ludlow-Taylor, Walker-Jones, and SWS@Goding

  • Restoring FoodPrints support for DCPS campuses city-wide

  • Funds for the Eastern Market Metro Park, including maintenance, repairs, a park manager, and Safe Passage funds

  • Funding for a new field at Greenleaf Rec Center

  • Funding to support LGBTQ+ businesses in Main Streets neighborhoods, which includes several Main Streets in Ward 6 (Barracks Row, H Street, Eastern Market)

  • Small business support, funds for security improvements, and pop-up permitting reform for the H Street NE corridor


You can learn more here or at the rescheduled Ward 6 Budget Town Hall - information below.

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