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  • mattlafortune

Call for Volunteers: Ward 6 Dems GOTV Committee

Our big GOTV effort this year will focus on the Virginia state elections. The Virginia Democratic primary is TOMORROW, Tuesday, June 8. At that point, Virginia Democratic voters will have chosen their candidates, so it will be time for us to start getting involved.

We're looking for volunteers for a GOTV committee to help vet and select the candidates we will support this fall; coordinate with their campaigns on how we can best assist them; work with groups like Blue Wave, Indivisible, Swing Left, and others in DC and NoVA; and help us recruit more volunteers to do the actual GOTV work, efforts like writing postcards to voters, phone banking, text banking, and canvassing.

Interested? Contact our Ward 6 Dems GOTV lead, Matt LaFortune, at

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