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Recap: Meet Your Democratic Candidates Social


On Tuesday, October 18, a fired-up group of Democrats gathered at Mr. Henry's for an evening of food, drink, conversation, and positive GOTV energy.

We were joined by soon-to-be-reelected Mayor Muriel Bowser, Council Chair Phil Mendleson, At-Large Councilmember Anita Bonds, Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen, Shadow Rep. Oye Owolewa, and soon-to-be-elected to his FIRST term, State Attorney General candidates Brian Schwalb. (Unfortunately, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton was unable to join us - remember to tick the box for her, too.)

Candidates gave brief remarks to encourage Ward 6 voters to get to the polls and vote a straight Democratic ticket, Ward 6 Democrats president Elizabeth Engel made a fundraising pitch (no time like the present to give online), and then Mayor Bowser and CM Allen drew names for the winners of our sponsored tickets to the DC Democrats' Kennedys-King fundraising dinner.

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