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Call for Volunteers: Ward 6 Dems Parliamentarian


Due to some changes in his day job, our current Ward 6 Dems Parliamentarian has had to step down from the role, which means we are looking for a new volunteer to serve in that capacity for the organization.

The Parliamentarian is one of our officers, but it is an appointed position rather than an elected position (which means the Parliamentarian does NOT have to stand for election every two years).

Per our constitution and bylaws, duties include:

The Parliamentarian shall be a person knowledgeable in parliamentary procedure. The Parliamentarian shall advise the presiding officer on questions of parliamentary procedure, matters of special rules or order, standing rules, the organization constitution and bylaws. The Parliamentarian shall be Chair of the Rules Committee.

You must be a registered Democrat living in Ward 6 to serve.

In a practical sense, the Parliamentarian participates in our monthly officers' meeting, first Saturday of the month at 10 am, and tries to keep us from committing any egregious violations of Robert's Rules of Order.

The Parliamentarian also supervises any revisions to our constitution and bylaws (last full revision was completed in June 2019).

Finally, the Parliamentarian also chairs our nominating committee if no other volunteer steps forward, which means s/he runs our biennial elections (which we will next hold in the spring/summer of 2023).

If you are interested in potentially serving in this role, or know someone you think would be a good candidate for it, please contact Ward 6 Dems president Elizabeth Engel at

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