The Young Dems Committee of Ward 6 partnered up with Guerrilla Gardeners of Washington, DC, a local non-profit with a mission to improve public spaces in the Nation’s Capital, particularly neglected parcels in underserved communities, to restore abandoned treeboxes in Ward 6. The group cleaned up a full block length of overgrown treeboxes along 6th and E St SE across from Marion Park over the course of the morning.
The event was led by Ward 6 member Lindsay Swisher (Young Dems of Ward 6 Steering Committee) and represented the first community service event hosted by the working group. The group teamed up with DC College Dems to host the clean up as part of the national #DemocratsCare initiative, a campaign to encourage Democrats to get out and give back to their neighbors after long-term challenges imposed by the COVID-19 epidemic. Ward 6 Committeewoman Maggie Edwards, Young Dems of Ward 6 Chair Frank Avery, and our neighbor Bryant joined Jim and Pat of Guerilla Gardeners in the restoration effort.
The Young Dems of Ward 6, and the broader Ward 6 Dems, will continue to host similar #DemocratsCare community service events. To partner on future events like this one with our Young Dems of Ward 6, contact Frank Avery, Chair of the Young Dems of Ward 6.
To learn more about Young Dems of Ward 6, visit
To learn more about Guerrilla Gardeners DC, visit