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Two Opportunities to Show Up for DC


With Republicans (and even some Democrats we THOUGHT were our friends) in Congress (and the Biden administration) meddling in our local business, there is NO time like the present to educate them about our colonized status and our ongoing fight for equal representation. Opportunity 1: DC Statehood Advocacy Day - Thursday, March 23 Join DC Vote and your fellow DC Statehood activists on Thursday, March 23 for our first in-person advocacy day on Capitol Hill since before the pandemic. There will be two shifts, morning and afternoon, and you are invited to participate in one or both. Details and RSVP:

Opportunity 2: House Oversight Committee Hearing - Wednesday, March 29 The GOP-led House Oversight Committee plans a hearing on Wednesday, March 29 on crime in DC, which is yet another signal Congress is meddling in DC affairs. DC Council Chairman Mendelson, Ward 6 Councilmember and Chair of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment Charles Allen, DC CFO Glen Lee, and the Chairman of the DC Police Union Greggory Pemberton have been called to testify, starting at 10:00 a.m. Let's pack the hearing room and Show Up for DC! Details and RSVP:

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